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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Letters, Listening, and Lockdowns

These kiddos are quick! We started talking about letters today and the places we see letters. The children are noticing that we have upper and lowercase letters and they are writing some of them in their journals. We will start more formal letter activities in guided reading in a week or so.

We are practicing our listening, both for times when an adult is talking as well as when a friend is sharing. We discussed the importance of listening ears, eyes, and bodies. The ability to listen is a difficult skill but these kiddos are doing a great job.

The school had a lockdown practice this afternoon. The idea is to prepare students to stay in a classroom with a locked door. Sometimes, we cannot go in the hallway for a medical reason as well as safety reasons. I do not feel our children need a big explanation as I do not want them worrying about something that will probably never happen. So, we discussed safety and how if there is a medical emergency in the hallway, we do not want to get in the way. We locked the door and stayed in our room for about five minutes. We also played hide and seek from the principal and talked about how if we don't want him to hear us we must be very quiet. I personally feel that this is enough information. If you would like more explained to your child, please let me know. I do not want your child to feel unsafe at school.

Have a great day!


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