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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Bit of Our Day

Today, I thought I would post a few snippets of our day. We are spending a lot of time talking about teamwork, sharing, and other respectful behaviors. Playtime is hard work, as we practice these skills repeatedly each day:
Sharing during math (colors)

Taking turns during choice

Working together during playtime

We created a 'doll' of ourselves using paper and yarn today. The kids were excited to bring those home and share with families. Our fingers were working hard to color, cut, and glue during this project. Cutting yarn can be tricky.

The kiddos did some great journal writing today. Each child chose to add letters to their pages. Some children are listening to sounds and others are choosing their favorite letters to add to a page. The pictures they are drawing are very detailed. 

Great job kindergarten! 


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