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Monday, April 22, 2013

Our Lego Challenge Week

We became engineers and architects this week and completed a lego challenge week. Each day, the children voted on which challenge they would like to complete. We had three great days of creating that challenged the children's thinking and patience.

Day One: Marble Mazes 


Day Two: Bridges 

Day Three: Build a City
Our day three was pushed back for a snow day, but we finally were able to use our building skills to build a city. We had buildings, apartments, houses, stores, restaurants, and vehicles. There were also a few statues and trees. We labeled our work so others could understand the purpose of the structure.

We used a lot of team work and understanding during the group work projects. We also problem solved  while building to be sure it was a solid structure. It was a good unit! We have shared a video below so everyone could see how our marble mazes worked. Enjoy:)


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